Career Planning

We know that getting a good job is very important. That’s why we have a solid network of services to help students. However, it is ultimately up to the student to achieve this goal. The best way to get a good job is to do the groundwork.

The student should:

  • Develop a good working relationship with their academic adviser. Each Faculty has an advising centre.
  • Choose the right courses. Talk to teachers, mentors, professors, other students in the program. Read the University calendar and Faculty supplementary calendars. Discuss course selection in detail with an academic adviser.
  • Make the necessary preparations: develop good study habits, learn how to manage stress, hone time management skills, develop strategies for writing successful exams, make positive friendships and support networks. Study productively. Don’t forget encourage them to have fun and blow off steam occasionally.
  • Visit the Career Centre early (start in first year) and often. Take advantage of all the career-oriented programs available – from online workshops to one-on-one sessions.
  • Explore Experiential Education. Apply classroom knowledge to concrete experiences that will help provide a deeper understanding of subject matter and exposure to real-world opportunities while assisting with building a professional network.
    • In the classroom. Interact with guest speakers and participate in simulations, workshops and laboratory courses.
    • In the community. Conduct research, travel abroad and engage in community service beyond the classroom.
    • In the workplace. Find out what it’s like to work in the field through placements, internships and co-op programs.
  • Develop applicable skills and experience in the field before graduation through:
    • Placements, also known as fieldwork or practica. Gain workplace experience while earning course credit.
    • Internships. Full-time, paid work experience for upper-year students. Available in: Accounting, Administrative Studies, Astronomy, Biophysics, Business & Society, Communication Studies, Economics, Human Resources Management, Information Technology, Physics and Public Administration.
  • Co-op programs. Paid, supervised full-time work experience alternating with academic terms. Available in: Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Environmental Biology, Environmental Science and programs in the Lassonde School of Engineering.